Six fables of time, place, beings, non-beings and their interconnections. An anthology of eco-fairy tales for the future.
Anthropocene VR is an anthology of 6 chapters in VR, set in 6 landscapes, that form a story of place and an experience of bodies of water, rock, plants, air, creatures and other beings that have existed across deep time, and felt the impact of humanity’s existence on the planet.
Working with live action, puppeteered landscapes, filmed in miniature, to provide a sense of immensity and presence, and paying homage to the immense playfulness of perspective that Jan Svankmajer’s body of work. Our story world methodology will be manmade, and hand made, offering a sensual, visceral, imaginative abstraction of place and perspective, inviting the viewer to make the curious leap across the scales of time.
“Everything that one thinks one understands has to be understood over and over again, in its different aspects, each time with the same new shock of discovery.” — Marion Milner (1937, 2011)
Writer: Samantha Lang
Director: Scott Wright, Samantha Lang
Producer: Ella Millard, Samantha Lang
Project commissioned by The ABC and Create NSW